![]() Thermostats are starting to rise throughout the Inland Empire as summer quickly approaches. Many homeowners are getting their swimming pools ready to fend off triple digit temperatures. While pools and spas can provide recreation and exercise, they also can constitute a significant safety hazard. In the United States, the CDC reports that more than 3,300 fatal drownings occur in swimming pools in a typical year. One in four of these deaths involves a child under the age of 14. Drowning is the second leading cause of death for children 5 and under, trailing only auto accidents. There are almost twice as many children who suffer serious injury in near-drowning incidents each year, which often results in permanent disability and brain damage. Courts often consider swimming pools attractive nuisances to children because pools tend to attract children who are too immature to appreciate the potential risk of harm. Homeowners or those who operate commercial pools have an affirmative duty to implement safeguards designed to prevent children from drowning or suffering an injury in other pool-related accidents. When the failure of pool owners to take adequate safety precautions causes drowning or other injuries, our experienced Inland Empire personal injury attorneys represent swimming pool accident victims. In investigating a swimming pool accident, there are several questions that arise:
Pool areas are usually equated with fun whether located at a resort, friend's houses, or health clubs. Unfortunately, pools can be extremely dangerous hazards when certain conditions exist. Diving injuries can happen when depth markings are faded, not visible, or non-existent. The lack of fencing around a pool can spell danger for children who are wandering around unsupervised. When there is no safety equipment at the pool, this can result in drownings when a swimmer gets in trouble. If a public pool is open, adequately trained and attentive lifeguards should be present. Entrapment accidents can occur without proper maintenance of pool drains, filters, and pumps. Underwater obstructions like a shelf or rock grotto structure can cause catastrophic brain injuries. While property owners often can be liable for injuries caused by an unsafe swimming pool, some other parties also might share financial responsibility. Defective pool pumps and heaters or poorly constructed life-saving equipment can also cause serious injuries. When pool equipment causes an injury or fatality, the company that designed, manufactured, or sold the defective product might be liable for injuries caused by the defective equipment or part. The company that built the pool also might be liable for defective work that causes injuries or a drowning. If you or someone you love suffers an injury in a swimming pool accident at a residence, community, or resort swimming pool, our experienced Inland Empire accident attorneys carefully investigate the circumstances of such incidents and diligently pursue the best result for our client. Schwartzberg & Luther, APC offers tenacious advocacy designed to obtain the best possible results for our clients.
Self driving vehicles are on the way, you can’t fight the future. The Huffington Post reported that autonomous cars will be the norm by 2026, and that we’ll all be passengers in our own cars by 2046. If you run a personal injury law practice you may not be sounding the alarm in the office hallway just yet, but you need to start thinking about how this will shape your practice. Some food for thought, MADD reported in 2015 that DUI cases in California “fell 6.5% among drivers under 30 in the markets where Uber operates” equating to about 60 less drunk driving crashes each month… still not concerned? Neither were DUI defense lawyers when Uber launched just 5 years prior, but this was solely the result of new technology disrupting traditional business.
Technology giveth, and technology taketh away. So if cars will drive themselves, the result will be far less car accidents and in turn far fewer new clients for a personal injury attorney. Many injury lawyers report that vehicle accidents represent 50% or more of their practice. With driver error out of the picture, and after driverless technology nearly perfects itself who will be getting into car accidents to support the injury law practice? At the moment Tesla, Mercedes, BMW and most other manufacturers have some sort of vehicle that can drive itself temporarily or at the very least adaptive cruise control. Regarding driverless cars, it’s really not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when”. What to Expect in the Next 10 Years As this new technology unfolds, consumers adopt, and the limits are pushed there will undoubtedly be accidents caused by this burgeoning technology. Car and commercial vehicle manufacturers will be under investor pressure to put out driverless vehicles and some may not be road ready - there will be lawsuits to follow. The savvy personal injury lawyer will want to brush up on GPS technology, motion sensors, accelerometers, Artificial Intelligence microprocessors Etc. as these will be the verbal building blocks and concepts for motor vehicle accident cases in the near future. However, this will be a flash in the pan and eventually these cases will be settled, manufacturing will improve and technology will inevitably drive itself forward. So the question becomes this - If autonomous cars are on the way, how will the injury lawyer adapt or seize the opportunity that is forthcoming? Post your thoughts and comments below. |
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July 2023